Sunday, August 9, 2009

I love August

This is a Bulgarian carrot chili pepper -
hopefully it will turn orange!

I can tell it's spicy because no insects have tried to eat it.

I may actually have to water my garden this week... there are thunderstorms predicted but it really hasn't rained for a full week! And it's nice outside during the day and cools off at night - it's just so great.

A quick list about this August -
1. realized it's really shady in both new vegetable gardens... whoops... no wonder my tomato plants are stunted.
2. peppers grow really well in pots. so do tomatoes - 3 have been transplanted to pots on the front steps and are no longer languishing in the shade.
3. green bean vines can grow inches in a single sunny warm day!
4. all cilantro eventually bolts... even the long-lasting varieties.
5. next Sunday marks 8 weeks until the average first frost in this region - talk about a short summer.

I'm going to try to direct-sow some greens this week for fall harvest... it would be nice to have some arugula again.